Increasing impact across the Silk Road: conferences and papers

01 October 2019

Welcome to the Journal of Wound Care (JWC) Silk Road Supplement. Since last year, there is some great news. JWC has reached 1.948 in terms of the Clarivate Journal Impact Factor (formerly Thompson Reuters Impact factor) which shows that more high-quality research is being published in the journal on a regular basis. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rachel and the editorial team of JWC for their great devotion and exemplary work in increasing the standards of this fabulous journal. We must strive to instil this culture of doing high-quality research to showcase our work and publish in high impact journals. I must also thank the editorial board of this supplement for all their help and support.

Secondly, this October there will be a printed edition of the JWC Silk Road Supplement which will be launched during the 16th Asia Pacific Conference on Diabetic Limb Problems and the 2nd Global Wound Conference 2019 held in Berjaya Times Square on 18–20 October in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The Asia Pacific Association for Diabetic Limb Problems (APADLP) was formed 16 years ago by representatives from four regions, namely Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Indonesia. The APADLP has grown in number and there is a yearly conference in different countries.

Diabetes has become a major problem, especially in Asia, and its complications, such as the diabetic foot have to be managed comprehensively and holistically to prevent or minimise complications, such as amputation. The multidisciplinary team approach has been proven effective in all guidelines and is evidence based.

Approximately 700 delegates from 40 countries will be attending this year's conference as two meetings have combined, making it a phenomenal event. Industry support has also increased, with 56 booths and tables, as our integral partner for the betterment and advancement of wound care in the region.

Let me take this opportunity to thank all the stakeholders, especially the JWC team for a fantastic edition, and I hope we will soon see more submissions from all of you.

Thank you and God bless.